
Findster Duo - The 1st GPS Pet Tracker Free of Monthly Fees!

Created by Kate from Findster

Findster Duo tracks your pets’ location using GPS with no data fees, and rewards you for keeping them healthy! Smart. Connected. Fun.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Introducing Findster Home: Track your pets' location 24/7 from anywhere!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 09:33:53 PM

Hello guys,

Long time no see! We have some big news to share with you - and it just might be the news you’ve been waiting for…

Thanks to your invaluable feedback, we were able to improve Findster Duo considerably since we first delivered it to your doorstep. However, one feature has always been requested the most - you wanted to be able to monitor your furry friends while you were at work. The Duo was created for outdoor adventures, so a whole new product was needed to cover this use case...

Introducing Findster Home!

Findster Home tracks your pets’ GPS location and activity 24/7, letting you monitor them whether you're home or away!

At work, on holiday, even in other countries - wherever you may be, as long as you have an Internet connection, you’ll be able to keep tabs on your furry friends back home.

Set virtual fences around your home or neighborhood, and if the pet goes beyond them, the whole family will receive an immediate alert via text message and the Findster App.

  • 24/7 GPS Pet Tracking ✔️
  • Increased Range: up to 6mi/10km ✔️
  • Remote Monitoring ✔️
  • Increased Battery Life: up to 2 weeks ✔️
  • Detailed Activity Monitoring ✔️
  • Family-focused ✔️
  • Still FREE of Monthly Fees! 💸🚫

Findster Home is now available right here on Kickstarter, with very limited Early Bird perks available from $169 (a 40% discount on the future retail price). Get yours while they last!

You can also share our project on your social network pages and help us spread the word - we’d really appreciate it!

Thank you for your support, and best regards!

Shipping update, your feedback and #EndPuppyMills
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 10:08:25 AM

Hi guys,  

We’re back with some good news and an important announcement!

First things first: every order has been shipped! The only exception are backers who didn't answer their shipping survey yet (as we don't have their shipping info) - if this is your case, please make sure you fill your survey by visiting this link and following the instructions:

Second: your feedback! We love to hear from our backers. Sometimes it helps us realize what we need to work on to keep improving Findster Duo every day, while other times it just puts a big smile on our faces and boosts our whole team’s morale! Either way, we really appreciate hearing from you.

We have received some lovely stories, which we’ve been compiling on our Wall of Love on Twitter (soon on our website, too!) so check them out!

Findster's Wall Of Love
Findster's Wall Of Love


 We’d love to add more content from the Findster family - share your pictures/feedback with us and we’ll feature them!

Just send them directly (you can reach us at [email protected]) or post them on your social accounts using the hashtag #FindsterWorld. Nothing makes us happier than seeing our backers enjoy the result of our hard work - after all, you’re the ones who made this possible!

On that note, and to conclude this update - one of our team’s long term goals is to give back to the pet community. To this end, we’ve teamed up with The Puppy Mill Project in the fight against puppy mills (inhumane dog-breeding facilities in which the health of the dogs is disregarded in order to maximize profits), in an attempt to raise awareness about this issue.

The campaign is centered on a video spoof of the "Orange is the New Black" opening credits, featuring dogs as inmates. It starts off as a parody but ends on a serious note, exposing the sad reality of puppy mills and urging the public to act. Here’s the video:

Help us spread the message by sharing the video on your social profiles using the #EndPuppyMills hashtag - if you’d like, you can also support The Puppy Mill Project by donating on their website.

If you’d like more info on this issue, we’ve also written a blog post about the initiative with more details. Our blog, Barking Out Loud, is now live and we’ll be updating it constantly, so feel free to check it out.

Let’s fight this horrible practice - help us #EndPuppyMills!

Shipping progress
over 7 years ago – Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 09:28:35 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Regarding customs fees and technical issues
over 7 years ago – Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 08:35:06 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shipping status
about 8 years ago – Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 08:16:10 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.