
Findster Duo - The 1st GPS Pet Tracker Free of Monthly Fees!

Created by Kate from Findster

Findster Duo tracks your pets’ location using GPS with no data fees, and rewards you for keeping them healthy! Smart. Connected. Fun.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The one you've been waiting for: shipping is coming!
over 8 years ago – Fri, Dec 09, 2016 at 08:30:50 PM

Hello guys, 

Our campaign has ended and we couldn’t be happier! Findster Duo will now be a reality thanks to all 1681 of you. We’re really grateful for the love and support you’ve shown for our project and we honestly can’t thank you enough! 

First things first: are we still on for delivery in December? The short answer is yes, Findster Duo is ready and shipping will start next week! The system is fully functional and works as promised - however, we haven’t had the time to test it as extensively as we’d like. Because of this, it may contain a few bugs here and there that we haven’t caught and squashed yet, which may cause some frustration. 

If you don’t mind this and would like to receive your Findster Duo right away, we can ship your order now and you will receive it before Christmas. Please note that any bugs will be corrected with the release of the next Firmware version, which will happen in January - you’ll just have to update your modules then and they’ll be good to go! 

If you would rather avoid this “beta phase” and would prefer your affair with Findster Duo to be a “love at first sight” deal instead, we can ship your order in January, and your modules will already contain the updated Firmware.

We’ll be sending out a survey today in order to collect your shipping addresses. You’ll also be able to add extra modules to your order, if you wish to do so. So if you’d like to receive your Findster Duo order before Christmas (fully functional, but may contain some bugs) please answer the survey before next Wednesday. If you’d rather receive your order later, you can ignore the survey and we’ll send another in January. It’s up to you! 

In other news, we’ve reached our Stretch Goal ($200,000), so we’re happy to confirm that Findster Duo will include the Green Zones map! 

Also, our project was also featured on First Backer Newsletter and we’d like to invite you to join its growing community of Kickstarter backers - You'll receive fresh Kickstarter amazing early bird offers and awesome freebies delivered right to your inbox. Click here to subscribe! 

Finally, here are some pictures! :)


This is it for now - see you soon!
Findster Team

New Stretch Goal!
over 8 years ago – Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 04:22:34 AM

Hello guys,  

We’re constantly thinking about how we can improve Findster and make it useful in new ways to our users. As you know, our App will be available for iOS and Android, and we’re currently using each platform’s native maps (Google Maps on Android, Apple Maps on iOS). They’ll be available offline, so that you can use the system even if you’re completely off-the-grid!

However, we feel like these maps could be improved upon: green spaces in general lack detail (some are not even visible at all). Since this type of space is not that common in large urban zones to begin with, we decided this could be an opportunity to add something cool for our backers. So here it is: 

If we reach $200,000 in funding, we’ll be adding a new map type that highlights green zones! The difference between the current maps and the new one is visible: while the native maps focus on urban environments, the Green Zones map highlights natural landscapes like parks and other open areas. 

This new map type will also be available offline, and the entire planet will be represented. It will be particularly useful in urban areas - you’ll easily know what is the closest green space regarding your current location and it will let you discover new places to explore with your buddy!

So help us reach this stretch goal by sharing our campaign with your friends and everyone you know that loves pets:





Also, you can earn 5% cash back with Kickbooster for each one of your friends that buys Findster Duo through your unique link when you spread the good word of Findster! Go to to get your unique link.

That's all for now! 
Findster Team

Amazing! 220% funded with 30 days to go!
over 8 years ago – Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 01:44:11 PM

Hello guys,  

Not even a full week has passed since our last update - in which we celebrated the fact that our campaign had been 100% funded - and we’re now at over 220% funding! We honestly can’t stress enough how much all this love and support means to us. Thank you!

We got featured on Kickstarter’s Technology section and their social media channels:

And we received some amazing media coverage as well:

“When you let your dog off its leash, do you get a little twinge of concern that he might run off or amble away and get lost? If unleashed pet worries are part of your world, the Findster Duo GPS pet tracker bears checking out.” - Digital Trends

“Perhaps the most practical aspect of Finster duo is that it needs no cellular connection to work. It’s an independent system which means no geographical barriers whatsoever. Use it anywhere, anytime with zero restrictions. Don’t deprive you or your dog of freedom anymore. Walk with them into the future.” - Clapway

We were also chosen to be featured on BackerClub, the exclusive club for Kickstarter Backers! Here’s some information on them:


They are the top community for people who are very serious about crowdfunding sites and we are really looking forward to the feedback and support from their community of super-backers!

Help us reach more pet lovers - share our project on social media:





See you next time! :)

Findster Team

We did it!
over 8 years ago – Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 08:16:40 PM

Thanks to your incredible support, we’ve reached and passed our $50k goal in just one week! This is an amazing accomplishment and we hope you’re as happy as we are - Findster Duo will now be a reality, and we couldn’t have done it without you.


We launched a Live Stream to celebrate this milestone with our backers! If you didn’t catch it, here’s the moment when we reached 100% funding:

We also want to dedicate this accomplishment to (y)our furry friends - they are, after all, the reason why Findster Duo exists and also the reason it has been successfully funded. Hurray for them!

We don’t want to stop here, however! We want to reach as many pet owners as we can, and help them make sure their buddies are safe and sound. Our campaign will be live for 35 more days, so feel free to help us spread the word! Please share our project link ( and help us reach more people! We’re also on social media - you can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Finally, we’re also launching a new perk! We’ve been contacted by several dog walkers who’d like to use Findster Duo for this purpose, so we created a perk for them. Including 4 Guardians and 16 Pet modules (so 4 Pets per Guardian), the Dog Walker perk is ideal for companies who specialize in this activity, allowing them to equip 4 of their dog walkers at a discount price! 

If you’d also like your dog walker to use Findster Duo (so you could not only make sure your buddy is actually being walked, but also that he’s getting the most out of it), just drop us a message ([email protected]) to let us know and we’ll reach out to them.

That’s it for now - see you soon!
Findster Team

We've reached 99% of our funding goal! :)
over 8 years ago – Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 11:00:27 AM

Hello guys,  

We've now reached 99% of our funding goal! We should be reaching it very soon (we're roughly 2 backers away!), and so we're starting a Live Stream to celebrate it with you guys! The Live Stream is already happening right here on Kickstarter and will be on Facebook as well.

Here's the link:

And our Facebook page:

So join us and help us make Findster Duo happen! :)